How To Get Your Brand Activation in Dubai?
What is Brand Activation?
Brand activation is a strategy used by modern brands to bring their brands to life. It helps your brand gets noticed, and it is needed to increase your brand’s recognition and recall. These are various methods that help activate your brand.
Today, getting consumers’ attention towards a brand is getting difficult daily as new products get introduced in the market and with all the latest trends and the constant vying of your competitors to snatch people with good deals. And to get your product out there, brands have to think about different strategies, including thinking about audience day-to-day lives and thinking about creative ways to attract them. Which then helps in putting a new idea or thought in the audience’s minds.
Why is Brand Activation so important?
Over the past 10 or 20 years, our environment and how we deal with brands has changed in many ways. The global world that we have become a part of has essentially become a part of our day-to-day lives as a virtual reality. Most of our connection with our brands becomes more intangible as we continue to live inside and protect ourselves from the pandemic. And in this crucial time, relationships or that bond you have with your customers can get affected.
So in amidst all that, brand activation is all about bringing back your brand to life and creating a tactile and tangible environment. To keep reminding your audience that your brand is real and that the relationship you have with our brand is also real. And it’s not just about the money that is bonding us, but more to it.
Examples of Brand Activation
Brand activation can be seen in various forms, but the most popular is experiential marketing. Experiential marketing creates an event and memory for the audience that they can experience and recall later on. And experiential marketing tends to have a long-lasting impact on consumers’ minds and memory that they will remember for the years to come.
Examples of experiential marketing in Dubai include “Ziba Foods” attending the Fancy Food Show and presenting the audience with their new and creative designs. The experience they gained over the years was also showcased.
In this way, they build alignment to the associations they were trying to build and their brand’s reputation by providing an out-of-the-ordinary experience for consumers. This resulted in creating long-term memories in their audience’s mind as well.
Showcasing your product so that media gives you coverage or through social media, which will help you give your message out there, amplifies the campaign. And basically, this is what brand activation is all about.
The goal of Brand Activation?
As we talked about before, it’s about engagement, promotion, and grabbing the attention of your consumer. But that is just the outer part of brand activation.
Brand activation has four basic layers of goals:
1- Driving consumer engagement
2- Driving consumer response/action
3- To increase brand awareness
4- To increase recall & salience
Brand activation is prone to be a one-off campaign. Still, it can earn the holy grail of brand activation if they are implemented well, which is “Earned Media Coverage.” It happens when a brand’s marketing activity becomes newsworthy in its own right. Often, with the help of PR, the news media picks up a story on the brand’s activity and reports on this activity, as a result amplifying the reach and effectiveness of the overall campaign.
As a brand, you need to stand out from other brands in the marketplace. Most brands follow their normal and same strategies, losing an amount of audience and consumers. But suppose you can create a memorable experience for the audience through brand activation. In that case, it will help you achieve the four layers of brand activation goals being arriving at consumer engagement and action from them, increasing your brand awareness, and, as a result, increasing recall and salience.
If you’ve come this far, maybe you are looking to create a brand activation event for your brand? Well, you’ve come to the right place. BlueKryon is amongst the top brand activation companies in Dubai, and we have worked with our clients to help them achieve their goals. We want you to achieve your goals too. So if you want to create an event like that, contact us for more information and detail. We would love to help you out. Contact us at (hetal@bluecrayonconsulting.com).